"Push people to think differently,” Melissa Gordon-Ring from IPG Mediabrands

Feb 6, 2025

Meet Melissa Gordon-Ring, Global President, Health at IPG Mediabrands where she oversees a global portfolio of major pharma and health brands. With over 20 years of experience in advertising, Melissa is passionate about creating innovative, patient-focused, and strategic communication plans to help clients achieve successful results. With this passion, she provides and supports the best options for patients along their personal health journeys. 

Melissa sat down with Jocelyn Hudak, Senior Director, Content and Digital Marketing at SiriusXM Media in our Pass the Mic booth at CES to discuss how being yourself is more important than anything, how making meaningful impacts on people is critical, and what real listening can do for your relationships. 

Press play on the full interview below and get ready to be inspired by Melissa’s words.

Pass the Mic with Melissa Gordon-Ring - Full Interview

Being a good leader is pushing someone in a kind way to think differently. And then the results show themselves.

Melissa Gordon-RingGlobal President, Health, IPG Mediabrands

Put empathy first.

Put empathy first, Melissa Gordon-Ring - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “Empathy is number one for me 100%. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and what's going on in their world—we're living in crazy times and we have to be more human than ever. And empathy is a critical part of that.” - Melissa Gordon-Ring

Build a vision.

Build a vision, Melissa Gordon-Ring - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “I always try to build a vision. My biggest vision, and it's been this for a few years, is I want to make a more meaningful impact for more people. And when I stay true to that, I find that I'm actually starting to do that.” - Melissa Gordon-Ring

Be yourself.

Be yourself, Melissa Gordon-Ring - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “My favorite quote…is an Oscar Wilde quote, and it's 'Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.’ It's so simple. It's so straightforward. I'm the only Melissa Gordon-Ring. I just embrace that. And it's taken a while to embrace that. And I've learned through watching other female leaders and male leaders, as well, who either own who they are or try to be somebody different, and it's just so much easier to be yourself.” - Melissa Gordon-Ring  

Listen to people.

Listen to people, Melissa Gordon-Ring - Pass the Mic

Highlight: “There's a difference between hearing something and actually listening to someone. Even just the action of being thoughtful and looking someone in the eye and actually hearing what they have to say makes a tremendous difference. As a leader, you want to be someone that people look up to, that people want to fall into the front lines with. And I think when you listen to someone, you build respect and admiration, and you build a relationship with someone. And that admiration goes both ways.”  - Melissa Gordon-Ring  

Melissa knows how to keep it real. And her wisdom pushes us to be our most authentic selves and encourages others to do the same. Ready for more? Head over to the Pass the Mic page for more words of wisdom. 

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